
Apr 27, 2010

We're gonna need a bigger boat.

This morning my mind was drawn back to the famous quote from the movie Jaws, "We're gonna need a bigger boat!" I was thinking back over everything that I've been learning these past couple days and I just feel so overwhelmed by all of the challenges and encouragements that are now floating around in my head.  I think I need about an hour a day for a month or so to be able to start making headway on taking these lessons into my life and being changed by them.

After about a month of feeling like I was a sitting duck waiting for my next lesson(s) they all come at about the same time.  All of these lessons are connected together, but I need time before I'm able to make all the connections make sense.  

On Saturday, April 24th I attended a Beth Moore conference based on her book So Long, Insecurity.  I was reminded and encouraged of so much regarding my security in Christ. I haven't read the book yet, but I am now planning on it (it's been on my iPhone for about a month -  all I need to do is take the time to read it). I'll share with you just one of the challenges I heard at the conference:  
  • Insecurity is not just a minor weakness, it is a symptom of unbelief. Youch! 
In addition to all of these lessons about my security in Christ, I am reading chapter 4 of the book Metamorpha. This chapter is about the Holy Spirit as a person, alive and living in me. The chapter is so good that I will literally need to read it a couple times before Bible Study on Monday.  One of the ideas in this book that has caught my attention is this:
"We often talk about the Spirit in light of his fruit or power, but rarely do we really know the Spirit as the person who lives within us."
This morning in my prayer time, continuing in my Bible reading (now in Ephesians) this idea was confirmed in chapter 4 verse 30: 
"Don’t grieve God. Don’t break his heart. His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for himself. Don’t take such a gift for granted."
As you can see, my plate is once again full of things to meditate on. But as I've just read, the Holy Spirit is within me and will help me to make sense of it all. He will show me the connections and how they apply to me. Which means that there is plenty for me to journal about for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Youch indeed. It is so easy to think God's Holy Spirit is so far away and so difficult to embrase the fact that He is within us. I know what grieving is from experience and it makes me sad to think of the times I grieve Him by my fears and insecurities. Thankfully He knows me well and loves me. So glad to be learning together. Mom