
Mar 22, 2010

Thank you!

I just wanted to quickly say "Thank You" for reading my journal so far. A few of you have sent comments  to me via email and Facebook (since I forgot to permit commenting when I was resetting the privacy settings).  I am so thankful for all your encouragement and I hope that we will continue to grow together. I'd like to officially extend a pen to you to write in my journal. I love hearing feedback and different perspectives on what I'm learning. So please, share your thoughts with me.

Also, I wanted to share that I will mainly be updating and adding to the journal Tuesday through Friday but I'm making an effort to not just add fluff for fluff's sake.  If there hasn't been a post in a day or two know that I am praying about what to write and will post soon, you might consider praying for me as well. I hope you have a peaceful evening.

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