
Jul 26, 2010

Dear Journal,

It's been such a long time since I've written anything.  There's so much going on inside my head and my heart, I feel like I can't get a grasp on any one thing to make a good journal entry about it. My "friendship" study is not going anywhere and I feel like my Bible reading is pretty aimless right now.  I want my heart to be full of praising God for all the good he has done, for all of his provisions and protection, for the beauty of his creation and so on. Instead, while I do praise him and thank him, my heart is full of questions, weary from waiting, wondering at his plan. I guess I need to start practicing what is taught in the Psalms to get my soul out of the dumps. I need to start "rehearsing everything I know of [him]." (Psalm 42:6) So, here we go, my list of what I personally know of God (and can put into words).
  • God created this earth and I am continually enthralled by the beauty of his artistry.
  • God is in control over everything and nothing goes unnoticed by him.
  • God loves me and in his love, he disciplines me 
  • God never pushes me past the limit in any test or temptation I face.
  • God chooses better for me than I choose for myself. Even if it doesn't always feel like it at the time.
  • God gives good gifts - just what we need, just when we need it
  • God listens to my heart, knows what I am feeling, and provides answers and encouragement through conversations with fellow believers, through songs on the radio, through sermons at church and through my quiet time with Him.
  • God has spared my very life on multiple occasions. He knows how long I will live.
  • God provides people to love me the way I am and gives me love for people, just the way they are.

There is so much more but this is a good list for me to repeat to myself for the day.

    Psalm 42:5-9 MSG
    Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?
    Why are you crying the blues?
    Fix my eyes on God—
    soon I’ll be praising again.
    He puts a smile on my face.
    He’s my God.
    When my soul is in the dumps, I rehearse
    everything I know of you,
    From Jordan depths to Hermon heights,
    including Mount Mizar.
    Chaos calls to chaos,
    to the tune of whitewater rapids.
    Your breaking surf, your thundering breakers
    crash and crush me.
    Then God promises to love me all day,
    sing songs all through the night!
    My life is God’s prayer.
    Sometimes I ask God, my rock-solid God,
    “Why did you let me down?
    Why am I walking around in tears,
    harassed by enemies?”


    Alison said...

    I needed to read this today <3 Thank you for sharing

    Livi V. said...

    I'm glad it helped. I seem to need this reminder a lot too!

    Margie said...

    yeah, pretty bad day over here, too. Tough week, actually. and I have been downcast. Thanks for reminding me to fix my eyes on Jesus. And that I actively need to choose how I respond to life.